Ray_Net wrote:
> Stéphane Grégoire wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ray_Net a tapoté, le 08/09/2011 23:45:
>>> I very often get smileys from outlook users which display as "J".
>> And what should be showed in place of J?
> in place of J, in Wingdings font you have a very beautiful smiling smiley. 
> JKL is smiling, neutral anf angry ... only Wingdings offer that.
> The guy who wrote a mail to me using Outlook, use J,K and L in Wingdings, i 
> have Wingdings installed on my pc, so, normally, SM (as other 
> browsers/mailreaders does) must/should display the 3 smiley accordingly.

May I ask, Ray, what content-encoding this mail specifies ?  Because
it seems difficult (to me) to find a content-encoding that would allow
me to type both <span style="font-family: Tahoma">JKL<.span>
and  <span style="font-family: WingDings">JKL<.span>
and have them both render as you would expect.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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