Michael Gordon <mgordo...@roadrunner.com>  wrote :

> Jen Gailt wrote:
>> Michael Gordon<mgordo...@roadrunner.com>   wrote :
>>> Jen Gailt wrote:
>>>> I was hoping to find some simple html for doing mouseover tool tip type
>>>> text, that would work in all browers.
>>>> Someone suggested the HTML tags<abbr>   and<acronym>   but I tried them
>>>> and they won't work in seamonkey when I upload them. They worked fine
>>>> in Coffeecup HTML editor, but won't work in SM.
>>>> Suggestions?
>>> Try: title="xxxx" or alt="xxxx"
>>> Michael G
>> But if I'm not making a real link out of it? I just want an underlined
>> acronym, and when they mouse over it, they see the full text.
> Take a look at OverLib and see if it will work for your needs.  Mouse 
> over the text links after the page fully opens.
> http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/?Homepage
> Michael G

It works but says it is NOT public domain.

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