Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

Philip TAYLOR wrote:

Despite frequent rumours over several days on this group of the existence
of Seamonkey 2.6 and 2.6.1, my Seamonkey gives me no indication
whatsoever that it has identified a more recent version suitable
for download.

Expected for now, 2.6/2.6.1 were only available via MANUAL check for updates or the 
website. "Surprising" users with an update during this busy holiday season when 
they did nothing other than running the browser was determined too disruptive at present.

With respect, I think that decision was flawed.
User have the option, via :

Edit/Prerences/Advanced/Software installation/Seamonkey/Automatically check for 
updates/Automatically download and install the update

to specifically indicate whether or not they are prepared to
be "[surprised] with an update during this busy holiday season
when they did nothing other than running the browser".  I indicated
that I was not, but still wanted to be automatically informed that
the update is available.  To offer users this degree of granularity,
and then to unilaterally trump it because the powers that be did
not want to "[surprise] users with an update [...] when they did
nothing other than running the browser" makes a mockery of the
granularity offered.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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