Jim Van Abbema wrote:

Jim Van Abbema wrote:
Is it possible to configure SeaMonkey mail to launch Firefox instead
of the SeaMonkey browser for links in e-mail messages?

Yes it is. I switched from Thunderbird 2.0.x to SeaMonkey a few years
ago, yet wanted to retain Firefox as my primary browser.

That is obtained via a SeaMonkey extension named Launchy.


So it will not be the link "browse" or what not, it will be on its own
Launchy menu instead. Works great!

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Thanks Michael,

I installed Launchy in SeaMonkey, but unfortunately, links in SeaMonkey
mail still open the SeaMonkey browser instead of Firefox, which is my
default browser. I am not sure I understand what you mean by a Launchy
menu; is this a toolbar? Where would I find the Launchy menu? Also the
options window for the Launchy extension under "Launchy knows about the
following applications," Mozilla Firefox is listed but not enabled; it
is inactive and provides no means of enabling it. By the way, I
installed Launchy in Firefox as well, and the behavior of the options
window is the same. Please advise.

Jim Van Abbema

As long as you have Launchy installed, you'll see the menu item when you right click a link in any email. I have it installed and it is working just fine since I don't want to default all clicks to open another browser other than SM, just some.

However, you will have to create a launchy.xml file and place it in your profile directory, and have it there prior to opening SM.

Here is a link to automatically create the file you need.


And if you are only wanting to add Firefox to the menu since, like you mentioned, it is not enabled, copy the attached file to

C:\Documents and Settings\
YOUR USER NAME\Application Data\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\chrome

It's the file I created to add Firefox to the Launchy menu.

I hope it helps.

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