On Sun, 22 Jan 2012 15:57:39 -0500, Chris Ilias <n...@ilias.ca> wrote:

>On 12-01-22 3:48 AM, _Daniel_ spoke thusly:
>> As I recall, what you need to do is to set one of the preferences to
>> start FF instead of the SeaMonkey browser, unfortunately I don't known
>> which pref, and looking at "about:config" in a browser screen and
>> filtering on "browser" shows there are a lot that it could be.
>That would be at <http://seamonkey.ilias.ca/mailnewsfaq/http>, but it no 
>longer works. I've been slowly updating the site, and I'll archive that 
>item soon.
>If anyone wants to use SeaMonkey as a stand-alone mailnews client, they 
>should seriously consider moving to Thunderbird.

I've looked at Thunderbird many times but I have yet to figure out how to
address a message when that message is to go to multiple addresses.  SM is
great for this - can easily insert a dozen addresses pulled from a number of
address books.


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