On 01/31/2012 09:58 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:
> David H. Durgee schrieb:
>> When will the official release of 2.7 occur? I am seeing it in the
>> repository I usually use, but the SeaMonkey home page still shows 2.6.1
>> as the current release.
> It will be released some time later today (US time). If that repo does 
> have it, then it's made by someone who doesn't care about our release 
> politics.

Before everyone get's uptight about this - it's a Personal Package
Archive (PPA) and is for development testing & is not for general use:

[Seamonkey Development]

And yes, Joe builds from the same comm-release. He's asked that I test
the builds; I'm using one now. I'll test that against the standard
Mozilla build to see if there are any issues in the PPA version.

> Just makes me happy I'm not the release manager any more.
> Robert Kaiser

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