On 02/23/2012 02:20 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> Not@home wrote:
>>> You can see a safe Java applet here. If your Java is enabled, the time
>>> display will tick-tock away; otherwise it's a static display:
>>> <http://time.gov/timezone.cgi?Eastern/d/-5>
> I have Java installed, and SM confirms in about:plugins, and so does the
> Java Control Panel, which says it's enabled, but the display is static.
>>> So the answer is: unless you know of a specific web site(s) that
>>> actually
>>> do use Java applets, you can safely remove it - or at least disable it,
>>> possibly via the use of the PrefBar extension (also makes it easy to
>>> manage many other things, including en/disable JavaScript).
>>> <http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org>
>> Now I'm puzzled. I went to the site you provided and got a static
>> display. I then went to a site I use (washingtonpost.com, entertainment,
>> crosswords, daily crossword, and it displayed a Java logo while loading,
>> and advised that if it doesn't work, you should update to the current
>> version of Java. If this site is using JavaScript, would it display the
>> Java logo?
> I got no warning, but completed the crossword without difficulty.
> So do I or don't I have Java "enabled"?


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