Chris Ilias wrote:
I've finished updating <>!

Bravo! Congrats! This is huge. :-)

Aside from content now being up to date, the big change is that it is
mostly screencasts. I've written a blog post about it at

I think this has a *very* nice touch. I always thought about creating screen casts myself (though in my case rather for advanced things like using DOM Inspector and the JavaScript Debugger). Care to let us know how you created them, and which tools you used? I'd be very interested in that (and others too I guess!).

While Justin's comments certainly do apply, I'd like to highlight that what you've done now is already a huge win in my eyes. Our support pages are lacking some information, though I think I already did some improvements (both on the official website and on the wiki), but there's always stuff I'd like to do but where I'm lacking time.

I'll assume from now on that your site is up-to-date again (at least for the most part) and recommend users to check it out in case of routine issues or anything else not already covered by the release notes or official website docs. I'll also link it from the wiki User FAQ page in a second.

For example I planned to create a wiki page for basic CSS hacks, like increasing the menu font size, hiding menu entries (like from the Bookmarks menu) or styling MailNews messages. But I think those are much better explained using a video accompanied by some prose.

Let's take menu fonts. You already have a page for that, namely <>. I think it's well done. I'd only recommend to also explain how to increase the main menu font size as well, like so:

menu, menuitem {font-size: 32px !important;}

I also see you already have something related to styling bookmarks on the Personal Toolbar (BTW: It's called Bookmarks Toolbar now since 2.9b1). Care to add a page for hiding entries from the Bookmarks menu? Like this:

#BMB_feedsMenu {display:none !important;}

Which brings me to my last request, which is to offer users an easy way to provide feedback on each page. I think some people will have questions, suggest improvements, or maybe find mistakes. If you directed them towards your preferred way of communication (easiest: email address, best: form with comment box and an internal note from which page feedback was submitted; might require Captcha to prevent spam), that would relieve the user from asking themselves whether you actually want feedback in the first place, and through which channel (which means having to search for that information).

Finally, if you need help with small things or clarification, let me know.



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