Desiree wrote:
"Daniel"<>  wrote in message
chicagofan wrote:


What drives me crazy is how the size of my text will change
mid-sentence, in almost every message I compose in mail... repeatedly.

Cannot say I've ever seen this happen, Chicagofan!!

And did you mean this to be a new thread??

Sorry, no... just an additional comment to John's about changing fonts
in 2.8. :)

I have given up on getting any help with my SM problems, because I use
HTML in my personal mail.

Yeah, I cannot see much reason for HTML in e-mails (or newsgroups either,
really). A bit of floweriness in a sigfile, maybe, but otherwise.....



Yeah, I don't use HTML in email but these days you are forced to read almost
any newsletter from any business in HTML in your browser instead of in plain
text in the email client. I hate that.  If you try to read newsletters,
subscribed email notifications, etc. in plain text now all you see is a
series of text and even if you switch to HTML you still see
nothing but links. You have to read it in a browser. That's really crappy.
Used to you could read all these in plain text or HTML in the email client.

I have absolutely no problem reading HTML newsletters and email in SeaMonkey.

Ed Mullen
Why doesn't the glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
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