Interviewed by CNN on 29/04/2012 09:47, Beauregard T. Shagnasty told the
> EddieMaddox wrote:
>> How do I get Composer to use correct first line for HTML5?
> Composer is very old, and isn't even aware of HTML5 - which, 
> incidentally, is still just a draft, and not very well supported among 
> browsers.
> You could go to source mode and enter it:
> Most web sites will do just fine with HTML 4.01 Strict. What exactly are 
> you using that requires HTML5?  (XHTML has been bypassed and is also 
> dead.)
> Maybe you would like to try the independent fork called KompoZer. It has 
> more features and is still being updated.

Kompozer is a fork of nVu, which is a no-longer-maintained stand-alone
(improved) version of the Mozilla/Seamonkey composer. That is, nVu is
better than Seamonkey Composers, and Kompozer is somewhat better than nVu.

Daniel Glazman, the guy behind nVu, has a new project called BlueGriffon
which is supposed to better address newer standards. Version 1.5 was
recently released.


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