WLS wrote:
On 04/30/2012 12:18 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 04/29/2012 05:44 PM, MCBastos wrote:
Interviewed by CNN on 29/04/2012 21:10, Beauregard T. Shagnasty told the

If he was the NVu guy, why did he change the name? (although I rather
prefer "Bluegriffon" to "nVu").

I don't know the exact reasoning, but there are a few likely possibilities:

1. BlueGriffon is an entirely different program. NVu was built on the
old Mozilla Composer codebase, and depended on a (patched) old version
of Gecko. BlueGriffon was built from the ground up, to use the
most-current version of Gecko without patches. It's possible that
Glazman wanted to dissociate the new product from NVu due to those

2. Glazman had an sponsor for NVu -- the old Linspire Linux distro. It's
possible that Linspire and their successors, not Glazman, hold the
rights to the NVu trademark.

3. BlueGriffon, having no sponsor, uses a different business model --
the so-called "freemium" system: basic package is free, add-ons are
for-pay. Since NVu was totally free, another possible reason for
changing the brand was not to carry the expectations of it being totally

Not to mention that BlueGriffon and BlueFish support HTML5&  kompozer&
Nvu do not...

So does my preferred Web Editor.


There is another possibility to consider. After the so called engineers of FireFox, ThunderBird, and SeaMonkey got through redesigning the core and supported applications they so destroyed all the Ad-Ons, Plugins, and Extensions that nothing works well anymore.

If BlueGriffin is built on the latest Gecko core engine it may be able to stick around for a while.

Michael G

Armadillo Web Development

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