On 04/30/2012 12:18 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 04/29/2012 05:44 PM, MCBastos wrote:
>> Interviewed by CNN on 29/04/2012 21:10, Beauregard T. Shagnasty told the
>> world:
>>> If he was the NVu guy, why did he change the name? (although I rather 
>>> prefer "Bluegriffon" to "nVu").
>> I don't know the exact reasoning, but there are a few likely possibilities:
>> 1. BlueGriffon is an entirely different program. NVu was built on the
>> old Mozilla Composer codebase, and depended on a (patched) old version
>> of Gecko. BlueGriffon was built from the ground up, to use the
>> most-current version of Gecko without patches. It's possible that
>> Glazman wanted to dissociate the new product from NVu due to those
>> differences.
>> 2. Glazman had an sponsor for NVu -- the old Linspire Linux distro. It's
>> possible that Linspire and their successors, not Glazman, hold the
>> rights to the NVu trademark.
>> 3. BlueGriffon, having no sponsor, uses a different business model --
>> the so-called "freemium" system: basic package is free, add-ons are
>> for-pay. Since NVu was totally free, another possible reason for
>> changing the brand was not to carry the expectations of it being totally
>> free.
> Not to mention that BlueGriffon and BlueFish support HTML5 & kompozer &
> Nvu do not...

So does my preferred Web Editor.


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