On Wed, 02 May 2012 12:03:37 -0400, hawker wrote:
> On 5/2/2012 11:56 AM, Philip Chee wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 May 2012 11:49:46 -0400, hawker wrote:
>>> On 5/2/2012 1:05 AM, MCBastos wrote:
>>>> Interviewed by CNN on 01/05/2012 20:30, Patrick Crumhorn told the world:
>>>>> Since patching to SM 2.9.1 this morning, multiple downloads are broken.  
>>>>> I used to be able (as of
>>>>> last night even) to go to a site and start a download of an audio file 
>>>>> from an html link, then do
>>>>> another one or two at the same time, but now when I start a new download, 
>>>>> it will not start unless I
>>>>> pause the download already in progress.  And the paused d/l will not 
>>>>> restart until I pause or
>>>>> complete or kill the other one.  This is a real problem - any suggested 
>>>>> workarounds? (Using XP
>>>>> Professional, btw).
>>>> The DownThemAll extension. If you download lots of files, you probably
>>>> will like it so much that you won't *care* if the bug is ever fixed.
>>> So is this a known and reported bug?
>>> DownThemAll has a built in "accelerator" which implies that the download
>>> happens though DownThemAll's server not direct. That is a privacy
>> No "download accelerator" doesn't imply that the download happens though
>> DownThemAll's server at all. What makes you think that?
>> And anyway if it goes through an intermediate server then it would be
>> slower not faster.
>> Phil
> The way download accelerators have always worked, AFAIK is the the 
> assumption that a accelerator company (it used to be your ISP) has a 
> faster pipe. It downloads it, re compresses it and sends it to you that 
> way, then your end decompresses. This step takes a host server.  This is 
> why they mostly don't work per the test on the net (IE files tend to 
> already be as compressed as they can, and we now all have fat pipes). 
> They are a leftover from dial up days that worked with non compressed files.

Those are download proxy servers, not download acclerators like Flashget
and DownThemAll

> If you have different information, and modern download accelerators 
> don't work like the old ones, than I would love to be enlightened.

All Download Managers do is to open multiple channels to the server
where the file is located and then each channel downloads a different
chunk at the same time. This only works with servers that allow chunked
downloads but this is most of them these days.


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
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