Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Rickles wrote:

It looks like I'm gonna have to take the painful path of rebuilding my
profile once again, doesn't it?  I'm not looking forward to this, due to
how many times I've done it in the past, and how many times I've lost
something as a consequence (emails, bookmarks, passwords, etc.)

That's really puzzling to me... I've been using SeaMonkey since long
before they ever thought of that name, and using Thunderbird since
version 0.2 -- first with Windows, then Linux since 2006 -- and I've
never had to rebuild or make a profile. Am I one of the lucky ones or am
I one of the regulars (who don't have to rebuild)?


You are one of the very lucky users of Mozilla that have not had to re-build a new Profile. I have had to do this so many times after installing an upgrade that I refuse to download and install any more updates. If this version becomes so security prone that is is a hazard I will be looking for Opera.

Michael G

Armadillo Web Development

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