Marisa Ciceran a écrit :
Every time I start SeaMonkey 2.9.1 and go to mail, message filters are
randomly disabled. This problem began with 2.8.x when the results were a
bit different. Before, instead of disabling the message filters, the
messages related to various different filters would all be redirected to
a single unrelated folder or else were sent to the junk folder. Both of
these other conditions that I mentioned no longer occur since 2.9.1, but
the outright disabling of the filters persists and is very bothersome.

So far, I have not detected no particular pattern. At times it is only
one or two filters that are affected, at other times many.

The discussion of this problem was dropped in this forum. Is there is a
solution or workaround that I missed? I would really appreciate clues on
a resolution.


this bug is describe in two bug in bugzilla : bug 618527 and 594756. That is till the 2.0.7 version and that is on the actual version. Before that was from times to times, in 2.9.1 that is each times...
the only solution is to get on filtres and select all and execute all.
That is a big bug because we can't dispatch the mails on their folders automaticly.
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