Nice troll, but untrue. "No one"??? I use YouTube without difficulty every day in SM 2.10.1, and can't remember the last version that was problematic. If you want someone to help you, you'll have to describe your problem much better than this. "It doesn't work" just doesn't give anyone a starting point to troubleshoot.
-- War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left. -- Paul B. Gallagher

Paul, I am not a computer expert. When I go to facebook on seamonkey or firefox you tube doesn't work. When I go to the same site on IE and click on the video, youtube works. I downloaded adobe flashplayer and shockwave and then Youtube worked on seamonkey and firefox but when I turned the computer off and then on again they no longer worked. I admit I am not a computer expert, but I know who to click on a website and know how to download flashplayer. If I could have figured this out on my own I would not need you guys. And as to the way I posted, I had posted previously with more detail and nobody answered except one person who said that he also could not see videos on youtube with seamonkey. If they are being blocked as someone suggested, I have no way of knowing how it is being blocked or how to stop it from being blocked. If it is because I don't have proper addon or extension of something else I don't know what that it or how to get it.

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