On 7/23/12 4:31 AM, Margo Guda wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been on the beta channel for Seamonkey since I cannot even remember. 
> Today a new beta was automatically installed, but it would not run correctly 
> - did not ask for master password, and did not load any web pages or log on 
> to my email provider. So I downloaded the previous official version (2.11) 
> and installed it over the existing installation.
> Now all my addons (and I had quite a few!) are GONE. Please help me restore 
> my add-ons, I am totally lost without them. How do I find them again? I 
> can't believe they are totally lost?
> THanks...

Do you know what add-ons you had?  I maintain an inventory (a Word .doc
file) of all software I install, including the version numbers, the
dates of installation, and the sources.  Specifically for extensions, I
also capture the results of using the PrefBar extension's button
Infolist, which provides a list of all extensions.

Unless you are a tester, I would question why you would use a beta
> Beta builds are not released with the purpose of checking whether or not 
> a build is "deemed okay to release as done."
> Alpha = here's a preview of the work we've been doing. We still have 
> more to add and change.
> Beta = we have all the features implemented, but there are bugs, we 
> wouldn't let in a final release.
> Release Candidate = We consider it ready, but want to make sure.
> -- Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
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