On 7/24/2012 6:18 PM David E. Ross submitted the following:
> On 7/24/12 1:03 PM, Ed wrote:
>> On 7/24/2012 2:31 PM Ed submitted the following:
>>> On 7/24/2012 1:32 PM Ed submitted the following:
>>>> On 7/24/2012 11:08 AM Jay Garcia submitted the following:
>>>                     <  D E L E T E D >
>>>>> In your OS printers section, click on your HP Printer and select
>>>>> "Properties". Set it as default. Then, in any OTHER application such as
>>>>> Word, etc. bring up a document and print. Does it use the HP default
>>>>> printer? Probably so. Now start Seamonkey and print. What happens now?
>>>>> If it still uses the PaperPort then exit Seamonkey, locate your profile
>>>>> and the file prefs.js - make a copy of this file. Then right-click on
>>>>> prefs.js (not the copy) and choose "edit". find all the lines referring
>>>>> to printers and remove the lines. Save - Exit - restart SM. Now what
>>>>> happens when you print?
>>>> That did it.  And it added the HP printer info back into the prefs.js file.
>>>> Also looking at the pref.js file there is quite a bit of garbage(?) left 
>>>> over
>>>> from installations of extensions that are no longer in use and were not 
>>>> removed
>>>> when removing the extensions.  I assume they can also be removed?
>>> Additional:
>>> The above worked fine until I had a page I wanted to print in pdf.
>>> I went to print - selected PDFCREATOR as a printer and printed the page.
>>> Now THAT printer has been added to about:config and when exiting SM is now 
>>> in
>>> the prefs.js file along with the HP printer.
>>> PDFCREATOR is now the printer that shows up in SeaMonkey as it's default 
>>> printer
>>> although the system default is the HP printer.
>>> Back to square one.
>> A little more investigation shows:
>> 1. Cleaned printers out of prefs.js
>> 2. Started SM
>> 3. Printed to Printer WIN Default "A"
>> 4. Printer "A" now shows up in about:config and prefs.js (after closing SM)
>> 5. Started SM
>> 6. Printed to Printer "A"
>> 7. Selected a new Printer "B" (Printer "A" remains WIN Default printer)
>> 8. Printed to Printer "B"
>> 9. Printer "B" now shows up in about:config and prefs.js after Printer "A"
>>    entries. (after closing SM - Printer "A" remains WIN Default)
>> 10. Started SM
>> 11. Printer now prints to Printer "B"
>> 12. Repeat steps 7 to 10 replacing "B" with "C"
>> 13. Repeat steps 7 to 10 replacing "C" with "D"
>> Now my SM default printer is Printer "D" (WIN Default still "A")
>> Printer "D" is the last printer that shows in about:config and prefs.js
>> print.save_print_settings is set to true
>> It appears that each time a different printer is selected when printing from
>> SeaMonkey, SeaMonkey reverts back to the last printer in line in the
>> about:config table after the print job and, if not previously in the config 
>> file
>> adds the printer just used after the previously entered printers.
> Instead, I think SeaMonkey remembers the last printer it used and makes
> that its default printer until some other printer is used by SeaMonkey.
>  That is, SeaMonkey's default printer is always the last printer
> SeaMonkey actually used.

>From my testing it would appear to be the last printer in the entry table of
config in the user profile.
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