On 8/10/2012 9:34 PM PT, MCBastos typed:

Try using Google as your friend.  Enter SeaMonkey in lower case, upper
case, or mixed case; only the letter spelling will count, and then maybe

Bah to search engines. We're talking about Mozilla's web site! Even
http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/products/ doesn't list it! Does Mozilla not
care about its own multiple suite product? Are they trying to kill it? :(

No, they have already killed it -- back in 2005, when the Mozilla
Application Suite was discontinued. Seamonkey is *not* an official
Mozilla project, although they do lend us a lot of help and resources.

Really? Wow. I didn't know that happened. That sucks. I am surprised it is still alive today even though it is an unofficial project. :( No wonder people never heard of them until I mentioned old school Netscape suite products.
"When you need a helpline for breakfast cereals, it's time to start thinking about tearing down civilization and giving the ants a go." --Chris King in a.s.r.
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