Interviewed by CNN on 01/09/2012 11:20, Connie Sparrow told the world:
> I hope I have the right list for this.  If not, I'm sure someone will redirect
> me to the right one.
> I use SeaMonkey 1.1.14, yes, I know it's an antique but I like it.
> It's easy, straightforward and uncomplicated.
> Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of sites that won't allow
> me to use it or only allow restricted use :(  This means I'm either going
> to have to update or use one of the ghastly alternatives to SeaMonkey.
> Equally unfortunately, it appears nothing from my venerable version
> will automatically install on the newest version.
> Is there a simple, quick, easy way to move all my settings, etc to the new
> version or do I have to start again from scratch, adding email accounts,
> favourites, etc?
> I have 2.4.1 on my other machine and I don't like it.  It's fiddly,
> complicated and not at all friendly or willing to do things the I want.

Well, the easiest way to do a migration is using the automatic migration
tool. But it's no longer included in more recent versions. So, the trick
is doing it in two (or three) steps:

1. Install SM 2.0.14 from this page:

Note that SM 2.x by default WON'T install over your SM 1.x. Which means
that you will end up with two different versions of SM on the disk. This
is BY DESIGN. DO NOT force installation over the old version. Note that
it's possible that some of your shortcuts are still pointing to the old
version. This will be dealt with later.

On first run, it will offer to copy your data and settings. from the old
1.x profile to a new 2.x profile. Note that it COPIES the profile, it
does not CHANGE the original profile. So, if something goes wrong with
the process (happens sometimes), your original profile is still unmodified.

So, at the end of the process, you will have two Seamonkeys and two
profiles. You should now uninstall SM 1.x to avoid problems. Yes, it
will remove some of the Seamonkey shortcuts. That's no problem.

Later versions of SM 2.x are unable to preserve your download history
from SM 2.0.x. Most users don't care about this and skip this step. If
you want to preserve download history, you should now upgrade your
installation to SM 2.1, obtained here:

3. Now, upgrade Seamonkey to the latest version, obtainable from

That's basically it.


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