Connie Sparrow wrote:
I hope I have the right list for this.  If not, I'm sure someone will redirect
me to the right one.

I use SeaMonkey 1.1.14, yes, I know it's an antique but I like it.
It's easy, straightforward and uncomplicated.

Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of sites that won't allow
me to use it or only allow restricted use :(  This means I'm either going
to have to update or use one of the ghastly alternatives to SeaMonkey.

Equally unfortunately, it appears nothing from my venerable version
will automatically install on the newest version.

Is there a simple, quick, easy way to move all my settings, etc to the new
version or do I have to start again from scratch, adding email accounts,
favourites, etc?

I have 2.4.1 on my other machine and I don't like it.  It's fiddly,
complicated and not at all friendly or willing to do things the I want.

Connie, the other three guys seem to have missed/ignored your last paragraph about SM 2.4.1.

If you have run SM 2.4.1, it may have imported your (old) SM 1.1.14 profile, and, when you run 2.4.1, it will attempt to update to SM 2.12, so you will end up with SM 1.1.14 with part of your profile and SM 2.12 with part of your profile. Some of the two profiles might great problem.

My suggestion (for what it's worth!!) would be to delete the SM 2.4.1 program (but keep its profile), then do what the others suggest to convert to SM 2.12, then come back here and we can advise how to get your SM 2.4.1 profile information into your new SM 2.12 profile, if needed.

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