On 10/18/12 12:24 AM, M wrote:
> M wrote:
>> I have downloaded and installed Java 7 Update 9 but Add-ons Manager does not 
>> acknowledge the update. It continues to show Java 7 Update 7 and when 
>> clicking 'Check your 
>> Plugins' shows, vulnerable/Update Now.
>> When checking the site latest version is shown and Apple System preferences 
>> also acknowledge latest version as installed.
>> If the Add-ons Manager does not recognize he update does that mean I'm still 
>> accessing Java via Java 7 Update 7
>> I have closed Browser, restarted computer and reinstalled software to no 
>> avail.
>> TIA
> Thanks for all the help, finally found where the JavaAppletPlugins were 
> 'hiding', trashed them all then successfully reinstalled the latest version.

In the past, I saw that updating Java did NOT remove the prior versions.
 Although I thought they fixed that, I still check it every time I update.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
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