Interviewed by CNN on 11/11/2012 04:35, Ant told the world:
> On 11/10/2012 5:59 PM PT, Ron Hunter typed:
>>> I just found a way sort of. Close all tabs and it will ask me to close
>>> XX tabs. Dang, I have 123 tabs in ONE window!! I thought it was about
>>> 50! However, I have to do this for each window and do the basic math. :(
>> I hesitate to ask... how many windows do you keep open?  123 tabs is a
>> LOT.  Maybe a few minutes cleaning house would help.  Grin.
> Usually one or two windows. Currently, I have 138 tabs + 17 tabs from 
> two windows. Yeah, that probably explains why sometimes seamonkey.exe 
> hogs up to 2 GB of memory and get very slow/freezes (have to kill it 
> like a few minutes ago). Yes, I am that crazy. I guess I am the only who 
> does this? :P However, my 64-bit W7 machines (8 GB of RAM) at work 
> handle this better so maybe my old, updated Windows XP Pro. SP3 with 2.5 
> GB of RAM can't handle this extreme setup well? :P

I have been reading the postings of the MemShrink and Snappy teams and
it appears that, albeit uncommon, your case is hardly unique -- there's
a good number of "extreme tab users" out there.
The good news is that there are a number of patches in various stages of
completion aimed at helping in your sort of use case.

The bad news is that no, I don't see your XP machine ever handling it
gracefully. 32-bit Windows by default does not give more than 2Gb to any
single application unless you run it with the /3Gb switch; and with 2.5
total RAM, probably not even that without a lot of disk swapping.

XP is getting more and more annoying all the time, anyway. I have this
feeling that the security patches MS released over the last couple years
have not received any consideration regarding performance impact; if it
works, it's fine for them, even if the patch causes serious performance
problems. Case in point: Microsoft Update nowadays uses oodles of RAM
for about 20 minutes right after XP boots up... the machine is basically
unusable for the first half-hour in the morning. The only known cure is
to disable Microsoft Update and go back to Windows Update.

I have been upgrading older machines at work to Windows 7 with
reasonably good results. As long as they have 1 Gb RAM, a dual-core CPU
and good driver support (video is the one that most often is missing),
the end result is better with Windows 7 than with XP.


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