Geoff Welsh wrote:
Daniel wrote:

Sorry, why don't you just expand the browser (tab) screen to use the
entire display screen??

Or am I not understanding you, Geoff??

It's best described in analogy:

my parents and grandparents always had the TV on while they were reading
a book. They were multi-media-taskers before their time.

I now watch "tv" and look at web sites, and read news, all on my Mac
simultaneously. When I come across something I want to see, whilst I
still read something else, the video goes to the big screen, very
quickly...if I can pull out a tab, like in FF

I realize that if Tabs were never invented I'd just have windows I could
drag around....but I got used to tabs years ago...and now FF and Chrome
let you pull out a's nifty, and useful to me,

I'm at least glad I have some good discussions on the topic even if most
SM groupies (so far) don't like the idea

I go you one better. I don't like and never have like tabs. The waste memory resources. I'm not nor have I ever been a multitask-er as far a computers go. I prefer one window at the time. If I need to go back I just progress back to appropriate window.

Sure in some cases, I have the TV while using computer. But I do it to drown out the quiet. I can't seem think straight and concentrate in a Perfectly quiet room. This goes back to school days. I did my worse school work in the Library. My mind tends to wander in a quiet Room So when I am on the Computer if you ask me what's on the TV I couldn't tell you.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.      "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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