explanethi...@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks for the quick reply Jay but I don't see what you a referring

At the very top of the window I have a grey bar with the coloured
buttons for closing/minimising/expanding the window. Next down I have
the Bookmarks Toolbar and below that I have the Tabs that are open.
Can't see any arrows except at the right hand end of the Tab Bar
which creates a dropdown of the tabs I am currently using.

At the very left end of the "bookmarks toolbar," which should include "Home," "Bookmarks," and perhaps some other things such as "AdBlock Plus" if you've installed the corresponding add-ins, you should see a tiny speckled vertical bar containing a black triangle. If you click that bar, the bookmarks toolbar will disappear and the speckled bar will turn horizontal.

At that point, you should have three of the speckled bars, one after the other, and no toolbars. If you click each of them, the hidden contents will be revealed.

If you don't want to take the "risk" of hiding your bookmarks toolbar, look for similar horizontal speckled bars below the left corner of the bookmarks toolbar, and click them to reveal their contents.

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Paul B. Gallagher

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