Dear Paul
Nope, I have nothing like what you describe. I have 'Home' incl. the little 
house icon, then a vertical dotted line. To the right of that is 'Bookmarks' 
with a folder icon and all my various bookmarks.
I know my eyes aren't what they used to be but I truly see no speckled bars. 
And my wife took a look and can't see anything either!

I am considering uninstalling Sea Monkey (I have Mac Keeper which will totally 
uninstall it) and reinstalling. My major concern here is losing my bookmarks 
which would suck.

> At the very left end of the "bookmarks toolbar," which should include 
> "Home," "Bookmarks," and perhaps some other things such as "AdBlock 
> Plus" if you've installed the corresponding add-ins, you should see a 
> tiny speckled vertical bar containing a black triangle. If you click 
> that bar, the bookmarks toolbar will disappear and the speckled bar will 
> turn horizontal.
> At that point, you should have three of the speckled bars, one after the 
> other, and no toolbars. If you click each of them, the hidden contents 
> will be revealed.
> If you don't want to take the "risk" of hiding your bookmarks toolbar, 
> look for similar horizontal speckled bars below the left corner of the 
> bookmarks toolbar, and click them to reveal their contents.
> --
> Paul B. Gallagher

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