Mort wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
question wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
 From CNet:


Full story:

U.S. tells computer users to disable Java software

Yes, this is the recommendation in the original CNet article as well, if
you followed the link and read it all.


Based on initial reports, I already deleted Java. How do I know when it will be 
to re-install it? (Windows).


Mort Linder

Possibly never, considering Oracle's behavior. But it's not necessary to delete it, just tell Seamonkey to not use it. I keep my Java updated and active ONLY in Internet Explorer, for use on a couple of specific webpages that need it and I'm confident (or am willing to bet) are safe. And make sure, in Control Panel, that your Java settings haven't changed since the last time you looked. Yes, I got bitten that way, once.

Also, the latest Java has a new CP setting (under Security tab) to exclude it altogether from use by browsers. For running .jar files only.
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