On 1/13/13, Mort <m...@cloud9.net> wrote:
> Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>> Update: Oracle has released an update to close the door.
>> <http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57563730-83/oracle-releases-software-update-to-fix-java-vulnerability/>
> Hi,
> Thanks for this post. I attempted to down-load the newest Java with the
> security patch, and came to a dead end. I got an on-screen notice that
> this only works through WIN-RAR, for which I must pay to subscribe. Is
> there any other way to get this fix? (Oracle only supports CSI
> customers, whatever that is.)

I'm curious - what URL did you use to download Java?

I just tried & it worked fine for me
and click on 'Windows Offline (32 bit)'

I wish Oracle would be clear about which versions still have known
security problems.  I've seen some info saying it's a problem with new
functionality introduced in Java 7 & other vuln. notices saying all
It'd be nice to know if it was safe [er?] using Java 6 instead...

6u38 here  http://www.java.com/en/download/manual_v6.jsp

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