On 1/18/13 9:51 AM, Rickles wrote:
> I've seen the notices and recommendations about the various Java 
> security holes.  I understand the concerns.  But there's one site my 
> wife visits regularly which requires Java, and now won't work on either 
> our XP-SP3 tower mainframe or a Win7 laptop, both with SM 2.15, because 
> SM has taken it upon itself to block every Java version back thru v6 
> Update 38.  The only option available to the user is to disable it in 
> Add-On Mgr, which is useless since SM has already locked it out.
> This is the only site she wants to use which uses Java, so I'd 
> appreciate any recommendations as to how to turn SOME version of Java 
> back on in SM.

Java 7u11 is NOT blocked for SeaMonkey 2.15 under Windows XP.

David E. Ross

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