Roger Fink wrote:
> Roger Fink wrote:
>> Rickles wrote:
>>> Roger Fink wrote:
>>>> Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>>>> Michael Gordon wrote:
>>>>>> SM 2.15 effectively blocks all versions of JAVA.  Yesterday I had
>>>>>> SM 2.13 installed and running JAVA applets by enabling JAVA in
>>>>>> the Ad-Ons Manager.  Last night I upgraded to SM 2.15 and JAVA
>>>>>> applets would not run. ...
>>>>>> Side note:  Internet Explorer, v.8, has no problem with the
>>>>>> latest version of the JAVA plugin.
>>>>>> It is time to jump the sinking ship.  The Mozilla Fire Breathing
>>>>>> Dragon has run out of gas, has lost its spark, and should be laid
>>>>>> to rest with honors.
>>>>>> Thanks for the ride, Mozilla, it has been a fun ride.
>>>>> On my system, at about:plugins, the plugin is listed with a bright
>>>>> red message, "Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U11 is known to be
>>>>> vulnerable. Use with caution," followed by a link to "More
>>>>> information," which points here:
>>>>> <>. Details
>>>>> of the block request are available here:
>>>>> <>. Using SM
>>>>> 2.15, I visited a familiar site that uses a Java applet,
>>>>> and that part of the page was displayed with a puzzle piece saying
>>>>> I had to "click here to activate plugin." I clicked, Java started,
>>>>> and it ran normally.
>>>>> I closed the page (which clears its session cookies) and returned,
>>>>> logged in all over again, and repeated the procedure. Once again,
>>>>> I was told I had to click to activate Java. So that one click did
>>>>> not enable Java globally or permanently.
>>>>> Accordingly, two points:
>>>>> 1) The problem is not of Mozilla's making, it's a fault with
>>>>> Oracle's product so it's not fair to blame Mozilla for protecting
>>>>> you. 2) If you really want to run Java despite its vulnerability,
>>>>> you can, on demand.
>>>>> --
>>>>> War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
>>>> The java plugin is enabled without conditions or warnings in my SM
>>>> v.15. My experience in activating java on is like what you
>>>> describe. The first time I clicked the box to enable it, java
>>>> presented me with an option to remember the permission, which I
>>>> selected. The second time it just presented the box, so there is a
>>>> glitch somewhere, but at least you can use it in selected instances
>>>> if you need to (and some of us do).
>>> I'm not seeing any box, pop-up, pop-under, jigsaw-puzzle
>>> placeholder, nuttin'.  SM Add-On Mgr shows a warning that the "Java
>>> (version) is known to be vulnerable.  Use with caution." Then a
>>> link called 'More Information' which takes you to
>>> (in the case
>>> of Java 1.6_38), and that tells you it's been automatically disabled
>>> and no longer usable.
>>> Back to my original question: how do I turn it back on?  If I'm
>>> supposed to see some dialog box, how do I force THAT on so I can
>>> turn Java back on?
>> If you install the prefbar extension you can easily access (by one of
>> several display options) a check box to enable or disable java. That
>> should do it, but I would upgrade to java 7.11 first.
> And based on the "recognition problem" you're experiencing, I would
> completely uninstall the version that you have before installing a
> later one. By uninstall I mean a conventional uninstall via Seamonkey
> and then go into the Windows file tree and erase all that detritus.

Sorry for the mistake - my bad: I meant conventional uninstall through 
Windows (or Revo), not SeaMonkey. 

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