Rickles wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 1/18/13 9:51 AM, Rickles wrote:
I've seen the notices and recommendations about the various Java
security holes.  I understand the concerns.  But there's one site my
wife visits regularly which requires Java, and now won't work on either
our XP-SP3 tower mainframe or a Win7 laptop, both with SM 2.15, because
SM has taken it upon itself to block every Java version back thru v6
Update 38.  The only option available to the user is to disable it in
Add-On Mgr, which is useless since SM has already locked it out.

This is the only site she wants to use which uses Java, so I'd
appreciate any recommendations as to how to turn SOME version of Java
back on in SM.

Java 7u11 is NOT blocked for SeaMonkey 2.15 under Windows XP.

Begging your pardon, Mr Ross, but if Java weren't blocked, I wouldn't
have posted the message in the first place.  In point of fact, the
plug-in is blocked, and the option to ENABLE it is not visible in the
Add-Ons Mgr screen.  The only button visible is 'Disable', which is what
I described to begin with.

Mr Rickles, have you tried clicking the "Disable" button????

I'm guessing that Jave would be disabled *and the Disable button would change to an Enable button!!*


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