Roger Fink wrote:
Rickles wrote:
Roger Fink wrote:
Roger Fink wrote:
Roger Fink wrote:
Rickles wrote:
Roger Fink wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Michael Gordon wrote:

SM 2.15 effectively blocks all versions of JAVA.  Yesterday I
had SM 2.13 installed and running JAVA applets by enabling
JAVA in the Ad-Ons Manager.  Last night I upgraded to SM 2.15
and JAVA applets would not run. ...

Side note:  Internet Explorer, v.8, has no problem with the
latest version of the JAVA plugin.

It is time to jump the sinking ship.  The Mozilla Fire
Breathing Dragon has run out of gas, has lost its spark, and
should be laid to rest with honors.

Thanks for the ride, Mozilla, it has been a fun ride.

On my system, at about:plugins, the plugin is listed with a
bright red message, "Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U11 is known to be
vulnerable. Use with caution," followed by a link to "More
information," which points here:
Details of the block request are available here:
<>. Using SM
2.15, I visited a familiar site that uses a Java applet,
and that part of the page was displayed with a puzzle piece
saying I had to "click here to activate plugin." I clicked,
Java started, and it ran normally.

I closed the page (which clears its session cookies) and
returned, logged in all over again, and repeated the procedure.
Once again, I was told I had to click to activate Java. So that
one click did not enable Java globally or permanently.

Accordingly, two points:

1) The problem is not of Mozilla's making, it's a fault with
Oracle's product so it's not fair to blame Mozilla for
protecting you. 2) If you really want to run Java despite its
vulnerability, you can, on demand.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.

The java plugin is enabled without conditions or warnings in my
SM v.15. My experience in activating java on is like
what you describe. The first time I clicked the box to enable
it, java presented me with an option to remember the permission,
which I selected. The second time it just presented the box, so
there is a glitch somewhere, but at least you can use it in
selected instances if you need to (and some of us do).
I'm not seeing any box, pop-up, pop-under, jigsaw-puzzle
placeholder, nuttin'.  SM Add-On Mgr shows a warning that the
"Java (version) is known to be vulnerable.  Use with caution."
Then a link called 'More Information' which takes you to (in the
case of Java 1.6_38), and that tells you it's been automatically
disabled and no longer usable.

Back to my original question: how do I turn it back on?  If I'm
supposed to see some dialog box, how do I force THAT on so I can
turn Java back on?

If you install the prefbar extension you can easily access (by one
of several display options) a check box to enable or disable java.
That should do it, but I would upgrade to java 7.11 first.

And based on the "recognition problem" you're experiencing, I would
completely uninstall the version that you have before installing a
later one. By uninstall I mean a conventional uninstall via
Seamonkey and then go into the Windows file tree and erase all that

Sorry for the mistake - my bad: I meant conventional uninstall
through Windows (or Revo), not SeaMonkey.

I had already done the complete cleanup and re-install of the latest
version, but it's not changing anything.  In the Java control panel
applet, I have ticked the box under 'Advanced - Default java for
browsers - Mozilla Family', but as soon as SM opens, the box gets
cleared again.  And using the Pogo site as called out earlier in this
thread, there is no puzzle-piece drawing where I can select and
authorize the use of Java, no matter how I set the security level in
the Java Cntrl Pnl applet.

This is really getting old.

Try re-installing the same version of SeaMonkey over itself.
Longshot, but longshots are all you have left.

OK, think I'm on the right track finally. I'm documenting below what process I've gone thru to get this far, but what it boils down to is something in the current profile which appears to cause a version reporting issue between installed Java vs how SM reads/reports this.

And no, clearing cookies/cache/etc. has no effect. Java applet tick boxes aren't really having any effect, but here's what I do know:

A sterile test profile doesn't have the Java issues--it all works fine. Looking at the Plugins list thru Add-on Mgr shows both the current installed Java version (7 upd 11) and the Java Deployment Toolkit (a sub-component installed as part of the JRE.)

The troubled profile shows the same 2 components, but the JRE entry shows a security warning with a web link, and the web link article states Java functionality has been shut down for my own good. Makes no difference whether either/both of these pluginss are enable or not. Pages using Java don't work. And, going to the 'about:plugins' page shows only the JRE, not the toolkit. So where does the toolkit entry come from to show in Add-on Mgr?

Found web articles talking about Java security issues with JRE v6 and the Deployment toolkit of the same gen, and how to remove it, but those instructions don't work for JRE v7 and it's toolkit.

Stripped java as completely as I could from the XP machine, observed the Depl. Toolkit dll file delted from System32 folder and the entire Java folder deleted from Program Files, then verified no Java entries at all in failing SM profile's Add-ons Mgr screen. Then re-installed JRE v7 upd 11, and the entries have re-appeared in Add-ons Mgr, same as before.

Have compared the 'pluginreg.dat' files between the 2 profiles, looking for differences in the Java-related entries, but CompareIt! tool shows them to be identical.

Any suggestions where else to look in the profile settings for this sort of behavior?
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