PhillipJones wrote:
Iceman wrote:
On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 13:26:16 -1000, Geoff Welsh wrote in message

Rufus wrote:

The problems were all in the "upgrading". Took a few iterations to
straighten that out.

Anyway, 1.1.19 is simply the best version of SM I've ever used from a
user/features/bugs standpoint - I miss it on the machines I've

1.1.19 only has one bug that annoys the *snot* out of me, and that's
Master Password problem that's been plaguing me since 1.1.16-something.
Even the Profile manager works, which is more than I can say for the
latest 2.x.x series.

Ah, yes, I remember, now, you mentioning that MP problem before. Since
I honestly don't even know what an MP is, I've never run into that.

If you have your Mac OS X installation disk, insert it and look in the
menus. You can find the master password there and change it.

No the Mater password he is referring to is in SM you set that in SM
 >preferences > Privacy & Security > Master Password. Personally I
wouldn't dare go without a Master Password and I am the only one that
uses my computer. I am a nut for security. One reason I haven't had much
in the way of Malware so I don't find it a Bug for me.

so what does the MP "do"?  I've /never/ used it afaik.
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