On 5/14/2013 3:41 PM PT, Justin Wood (Callek) typed:

Hey Everyone

So SeaMonkey 2.18 was supposed to be out today, so where is it?

We have had a hardware error in the systems that allow us to reliably
generate the release — Without these systems anything we create will be
of unknown quality/stability.

In order to meet our own quality and stability requirements we are NOT
releasing SeaMonkey 2.18.

While there is a chance we could have these systems back up in time to
do an intermediate release (say something corresponding to a possible
Gecko 21.0.1) we can not promise nor plan for it at this time.

We are actively working on repairing the system and its data, once that
is complete we will go forth with a new BETA based on the SeaMonkey 2.19
train, and we expect to release SeaMonkey 2.19 on time, on June 25′th.

We thank you for your understanding.

Thanks for the heads up. :(
"Though your enemy is the size of an ant, look upon him as an elephant." --Danish
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