On 16/09/2013 15:13, Daniel wrote:
Connie, I notice that you posted this message using SeaMonkey Version 2.16, but
in your post you are talking about SeaMonkey version 1.9. (As there was no
SeaMonkey version 1.9, I expect you mean SeaMonkey Version 1.1.9.) Are you aware
that there was a change in formatting for some of the SeaMonkey profile files in
the transition from version 2.0 to 2.1??

On your old computer, do a File Manager Search for your received e-mails file
which is called "inbox", without the inverted commas and without the ".msf" as
that file is just an index of the messages in your inbox. If/When you find this
file, report back for more directions.

If you need to re-download SeaMonkey 1.1.19, go here....


I've two machines. The one I'm posting from isn't the one I've a problem with. It's my other machine that has/is the problem. That's the one that was running the old version. Yes, I did know about the changes. I just want to try to restore the other machine to the way it was - if I can - then update in stages. If it doesn't work, it doesn't. I'll use it for testing programs

Thanks :))

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