On 9/18/13 1:26 AM, Kertesz Laszlo wrote:
> EE wrote:> I just found out that Firefox has changed the way 
> plugins.click_to_play works.  It now no longer puts placeholders over 
> individual plugin items.  I hope SeaMonkey is not going to do the same thing. 
>  Please, tell me that will not happen?
>> The great thing about plugin blockers is that you can control which items on 
>> a page will load by clicking placeholders.  Take that away, and you lose 
>> that control over which items will load.
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> Now that sucks. They should have left a selectable option somewhere to keep 
> the old behavior.
> There is a plugin that brings it back:
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/click-to-play-per-element/

I cannot download it with SeaMonkey 2.21 even with spoofing Firefox.


David E. Ross

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