On 11/1/2013 8:12 PM, Ken Rudolph wrote:
> I'm sorry if this is old news; but could somebody explain to me how I 
> can transfer my bookmark toolbar and all my usual bookmarks from my 
> desktop SM 2.22 Win-7 profile to a new version of SM 2.22 Win-8.1 on a 
> new computer?  Actually, I got it to work before; but I had to refresh 
> Windows today and lost all the former program files.  I'm able to find 
> the SM files in application data on both computers.  But I can't seem to 
> find any file which holds bookmarks.  Please help me.

Bookmarks are in places.sqlite.

The best way to transfer bookmarks is to open the Bookmarks Manager on
the source system and export them  by selecting [Tools > Export HTML] on
the Bookmarks Manager menu bar.  Find the bookmarks.html file on that
system and copy it to the target system.  On the target system, select
[Tools > Import HTML] and navigate to the bookmarks.html file.

David E. Ross

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