I am currently using the following Seamonkey Nightly Build:

You are currently on the nightly update channel.
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User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0 
Build identifier: 20130919003001

This build works very well, but it has also been static since September 19.  I 
also notice that Aurora builds for all platforms ceased updates after October 
28.  Are there build issues, lack of resources, or what?  I am not a Seamonkey 
developer but I've been testing Mozilla builds of Seamonkey and Firefox for 
quite some time now.  The Firefox Nightly Builds continue to be available for 
my hardware, just not the Seamonkey builds.

Any particular reason for this?  While I use both browsers, I do still tend to 
favor Seamonkey; for my specific interests and needs it works particularly 
well, so I'm concerned about its current and future support.  I'd appreciate an 
update, thanks!

Brian Masinick
support-seamonkey mailing list

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