I don't pretend to understand the Seamonkey release programme
at all, but browsing :


seems to shew a lot of things more recent than September 19th.
Are, perhaps, any of the things shewn the thing(s) for which
you are seeking ?

Philip Taylor
brian.masin...@gmail.com wrote:
> I am currently using the following Seamonkey Nightly Build:
> You are currently on the nightly update channel.
> See a list of contributors to the Mozilla Project.
> Read the licensing information for this product.
> Read the release notes for this version.
> See the build configuration used for this version.
> User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 
> Firefox/27.0 SeaMonkey/2.24a1
> Build identifier: 20130919003001
> This build works very well, but it has also been static since September 19.  
> I also notice that Aurora builds for all platforms ceased updates after 
> October 28.  Are there build issues, lack of resources, or what?  I am not a 
> Seamonkey developer but I've been testing Mozilla builds of Seamonkey and 
> Firefox for quite some time now.  The Firefox Nightly Builds continue to be 
> available for my hardware, just not the Seamonkey builds.
> Any particular reason for this?  While I use both browsers, I do still tend 
> to favor Seamonkey; for my specific interests and needs it works particularly 
> well, so I'm concerned about its current and future support.  I'd appreciate 
> an update, thanks!

Windows 8 ? Just say "no".
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