Bill Davidsen wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
SamuelS wrote:
Hello SM Team and participants.. I have an idea about how to
get bug fixes done, for those of us who really, really, really
want them done ASAP and then some...

How about assigning a monetary value to requested fixes and let
us as either a group or individuals pay to get them done
quickly, of course security fixes are excluded.

I have one or two fixes for which I Am prepared to pay to get
updated and repaired right away, if possible.

This also goes a long way to support the project too...

Just an idea to fast track some outstanding items.

Thanks for listening... and doing everything you do to support
SM and the end users. Truly labour and truly love.

Love this idea, and would contribute(a modest amount) toward the
effort. I do see one glitch in the idea, though, and it's
this--as a reader of this group for a number of years now, it
strikes me that one person's bug is ofter another person's
feature. The "bugs" are often desires for new features addressing
an individual's work methods.

To make the suggestion work, there need to be ways to resolve
issues about priorities. This has usually been decided by
developers, resulting in complaints.

I can't speak authoritatively, but my impression reading this NG
over the years is that the sticking point is not funding; rather,
since this is a volunteer operation, the sticking point is in
finding qualified people to take up a particular task and see it
through to completion. If no one picks up a particular issue, it
languishes. So if you really want to help, either start writing
code or find someone who can. (Of course, if you have millions of
bucks to throw around, that would attract good developers!)

And AFAIK the "desires for new features" are usually called
"requests for enhancement" or "RFE."

If these developers are consultants, then after N hours of donated
time it starts to hit their time for the bottom line. I don't know
what the answer is, but there's a lot of "so what" on minor bugs. I
found a bug in on drop down menu which listed the wrong shortcut keys
for Linux. I tried to get someone to fix this trivial spelling error
for ages, because if you used the shortcut it did something
destructive (don't remember what). The bug ran from 1.6 to being
fixed in 2.0, which was years, and every few weeks support would get
a call that they used a shortcut and composer ate their document.
Vast cost in support and user manual recovery, too trivial to fix.

This is not a bitch, it'ss a reason to explain in detail WHY a minor
bug isn't minor to you!

Your point is well taken, but I don't see why you're addressing it to me. I haven't trivialized anything you said.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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