On 11/29/13 7:27 PM +0900, Daniel wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 11/28/13 6:23 PM +0900, Daniel wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Philip Chee wrote:
On 26/11/2013 05:55, Rufus wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:

Frankly, it seems the issue could be resolved simply by
remembering the
last window position instead of pegging the window in the upper left
corner of the screen.  Thus, if, as I usually do when annoyed by such
window positioning, I move the window to a more pleasing position, it
would forever be not a problem.

And, yes, I get that some dev decided that shoving the window up
would keep it out of the way of the compose window that is being
spell-checked.  I disagree.  My visual focus needs to be on the
spell-check window:  That's where the info is that I need to deal
not in the compose window.  If I need to refer to the compose
window I
am smart enough to be able to move the spell-check window if it is
(doubtful in my config) obscuring the compose window.

The truth is rather more mundane. Back in 2002 someone noticed that the
spellcheck sub-window was always stuck in the upper left corner of the
screen. So he fixed it. Or rather he attempted to fix it but didn't
check if his fix worked or not. See line 47 of the folllowing link:


I'm in the process of fixing this as part of Bug 942548. See the second
half of Bug 942548 Comment #2 for more details.



How did it come to pass that this is a Window on the Win version and a
drop-dialog on the Mac version?  I'm not seeing a problem with the Spell
Check drop on the Mac version.

Given that we're talking about Mac v Windows and Drop=down v window, it
would be interesting to find out if the Mac Download Manager problem is
with a Drop-down or window and if the Windows Spell Checker problem is
with a Drop-down or window??

What is the problem with the Download Manager on OS X? I have seen no
issue with it. FWIW, the Download Manager is a window, not a drop-down
dialogue box.

See my response to Rufus.


// Trane Francks    tr...@gol.com    Tokyo, Japan
// Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
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