David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/15/2013 1:17 PM, chicagofan wrote:
Since I've upgraded to SM 2.17.1, I've found when I search for even
recent newsgroups messages that I've previously read, there are none
there. It's as if once you read anything, it just disappears. Has
anything changed about this that I can change back through the settings?

Fooo!!  I hit send without typing my reply.

The following is based on my use of Thunderbird.

While viewing a particular newsgroup, go to the menu bar and select
[View > Threads].  If there is no dot for All, select All.
Alternatively, you might want "Threads with Unread", which is what I
use.  This needs to be repeated for each individual newsgroup.

Threads with Unread is what I use too, and before when I searched for something it would retrieve and display all subject messages in recent history. I thought maybe there had been some capacity setting in memory that I needed to adjust or something. I see by your response, that I will have to change that setting to "all" anytime I want to search anything in the past... and then change it back. <sigh>

Thanks, David!
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