Trane Francks wrote:

On 8/18/14 6:02 PM, Patrick Turner wrote:

I did post recently about how to set text size in SM so other browsers
like Chrome "got it right". By trial and error I managed to fiddle
with sizes so this occurs. Thanks to those who commented, and
suggested I used other WYSIWYG composer programs. None worked
properly, and had bigger bothers than SM. Thanks anyway.Even Front
Page is more awkward to use than SM. AL I WANT IS SIMPLE PLEASE.

You've made this claim of SM and FF sizing your images incorrectly
before. I _cannot_ reproduce your claim. Your site looks virtually the
same in each of Safari, SeaMonkey and Firefox.

I suspect you have somehow changed settings locally for the SeaMonkey
and Firefox browsers, which is causing the display to be nonstandard in
some way.

Ditto here. Tried with Internet Exploiter 11, the image sizing seems appropriate there as well as in my SeaMonkey. I don't see the problem.

How about a screen cap?

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