Ed Mullen wrote:
Patrick Turner pounded out :

I did post recently about how to set text size in SM so other
browsers like Chrome "got it right". By trial and error I managed to
fiddle with sizes so this occurs. Thanks to those who commented, and
suggested I used other WYSIWYG composer programs. None worked
properly, and had bigger bothers than SM. Thanks anyway.Even Front
Page is more awkward to use than SM. AL I WANT IS SIMPLE PLEASE.

Sea Monkey always inserts images where I want them but it always
enlarges them and no amount of trying to control image size by
zooming out in "compose page" or "browse page" makes any difference.
In Firefox, images appear the same, too big. But in Chrome, images
are exactly as I meant them to be, same as I made the images when I
saved them from an image program. The relative text size is also

Composer inserts an image at its original size. To do anything else would be bad practice. And you really shouldn't "resize" an image using HTML.

My comment may be off topic, because this thread seems to be about a web site, but I just want to comment that when composing e-mails in HTML, if I include an I-phone image, for some reason it is always blown up in size and I've never understood why. I don't mess with anything related to pictures/images because I don't even have a camera, and just forward other people's pictures occasionally. [My font size has been increased to 16, but nothing else.] Would love to stop this if anyone has any suggestions.
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