On 11/13/2014 9:57 PM PT, Daniel typed:

But it works in v2.30. Is anyone else seeing this too or just me on my
three different computers (Windows (XP Pro SP3 * 64-bit 7 EE SP1)) and
64-bit Debian stable? I also have the latest Flash players.

Wait... you are saying that something doesn't work in the old version...
but it works in the new version...

Seems to me that either some necessary functionality has been added, or
a bug has been fixed.

My recommendation: upgrade to the version that works. The old version is
*not* going to get fixed.

But, MCBasto, surely you are aware that some, here, are sticking with SM
2.26.1 because of other problems they are experiencing with later

Ditto. :(
"Ants can lift up to 50 times their own weight. And your monitor is missing. Time to bring out the bugspray." --BBspot's Geek Horoscopes (2/28/2003)
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