Ant wrote:
On 11/28/2014 4:55 PM PT, Paul B. Gallagher typed:

<> is missing it. Or is it just me with
v2.26.1 web browser? I see it in my Windows XP Pro SP3's IE8

Are you talking about the Search Box to the right of the
"My-On-Demand"?? I can see that in my Linux installed SM.

Not here in SM 2.30/Win7 Pro SP1.

I figured out why I didn't see a search form box. It is because of my
minimum font size set to 13 (12 and none worked). I hate tiny font
sizes. :( Are you using the same minimum font size?

Depends on the encoding; for Western I have it at 14 pt. Switching to 12
pt fixed it here, too.

Ah, I tried western and unicode on that web site but none of them showed
the search form box. Back to font size 12 again (trying to get used to it).

What I meant was that I have different minimum sizes for different encodings. Thus, depending on the encoding, it's true/false that my minimum is 12 pt.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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