Allen wrote:
Allen wrote:
Paul Bergsagel wrote:
I am running Mac OS X 10.7.5 on a late 2006 27" iMac.. I downloaded and
installed SeaMonkey 2.31. Everything seemed fine until I went to
Youtube. Flash did not work. Clicking on a video the player appeared and
when the video began there was only sound. There was no picture.

I went to Adobe and reinstalled the latest Flash. Still no good. Videos
only played with sound. There was no picture.

Thank goodness for time machine :). I reverted to SeaMonkey 2.30, Flash
once again is working with both picture and sound.

If you are using Mac OSX I would strongly advise you to avoid SeaMonkey
2.31, especially if you use flash to view videos.
I am having the same issue on Windows 7.  Any ideas from this group, or
should I just revert to 2.30?
Sorry about talking to myself, but I should mention that YouTube and
Vimeo is completely unresponsive.  I think I'm going to try
re-installing flash to see if that helps.

If you go that route, begin by uninstalling "Shockwave Flash." Same for "Shockwave for Director." The installers seem to leave detritus behind from previous versions.

And FWIW, I'm using both plugins on Win7 Pro SP1 and having no issues on either of two different computers, one a fast desktop and one a slow older laptop. So it is possible.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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