Bill Spikowski wrote:
Does anyone else have the problem where they're typing something into a
web form in SM and suddenly the "find box" pops open and the cursor is
entering my text there, instead of in the web form?

This has been happening quite a lot and I kept assuming I was hitting
some odd key combination that replicated 'control F' -- but today I've
been paying attention and it's been happening randomly, even when I'm
sure I'm not hitting any odd key combination, or any specific key.

If this is happening only to me, I'd better investigate my keyboard!

A couple of thoughts...

1. Is this a general problem, or does it only happen one or a few particular 
sites? It may be that the page is still loading when you start typing, and when 
it finishes loading, it runs some Javascript which affects the keyboard focus, 
so you're no longer typing in the text box.

For me, it's a general problem, on multiple computers, different OSs, and 
various websites, but only when I'm using the SM browser. It might not happen 
for a few days, then five times in one day. It's not something that occurs only 
when a page has been freshly loaded.

2. Are you using a laptop with a touchpad? It's possible that your wrist taps the 
touchpad, causing a mouse click outside of the box you're filling in, thus 
removing keyboard focus from it. If possible, try disabling the tap-to-click 
feature or adjusting its sensitivity (in Windows, there's probably an option 
somewhere under Control Panel > Mouse, though the exact place varies with 
manufacturer and Windows version).
It does happen on my laptop, in which case I always assume I brushed the 
touchpad! When it happens on desktop machines, first I assumed that the mouse 
must have moved slightly as I was typing -- but I've eliminated that 
possibility, so it's something else

In both cases, having positioned the keyboard focus outside of the text box, continuing to type 
activates the "find as you type" feature (as others have mentioned). It can be disabled 
at Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Find As You Type, but you'll probably find that the 
keyboard focus still keeps leaving the text box, and just doesn't activate the find box having 
done so.
I'm not sure what you mean. If I'm in the middle of typing in a text box, how 
could the keyboard focus be somewhere else? (other than possibilities you 
mention above). Are you saying that would be the symptom of another problem, if 
Find As You Type has been disabled?

If the focus somehow moves outside the text box, but not to the find box, what 
would happen? Does that mean my typing would suddenly have no effect until I 
put the cursor back in the a box and continued typing? I'll watch for that 

I've disabled Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Find As You Type. So far, I don't 
seem to have lost any functionality, and the find box hasn't suddenly opened, nor has 
the focus jumped out of a box, but it's only been one day.

Thanks for the observations, I'd love to get this minor annoyance sorted out.
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