David H. Durgee wrote:
Bill Spikowski wrote:
What do you mean by "make sure the web box is selected first"? If I'm in
the middle of typing in a web box, doesn't that mean that web box has
already been selected? Is there some other step I've been missing?

Is it possible that you are hitting a tab that takes you out of the input field 
in the form?  Is it possible that the field in the form is of a specific length 
and forwards you to something other than another text input field when you hit 
the last character? Either of these could result in the behavior you report.

I considered the possibility that my finger was inadvertently hitting the tab 
key, but that's definitely not the problem.

Putting the cursor back in the text box allow me to continue inputting text, so 
it's not a size limitation of the text boxes.

The only pattern I found (once, on one web site) was that hitting a "W" always dumped me 
to the find box, while typing other letters did not. I wondered if my keyboard was substituting 
something else for "W"; but I've never seen that behavior again, and haven't been able to 
identify any other patterns.

I truly appreciate all the ideas offered in this group!

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