David E. Ross wrote:
On 1/4/2015 12:38 PM, HenriK wrote:
I need to move my SM v.2.30 files from an XP system to a newer Win 7 system.
What is the easiest way to do this?

It seems to me that if I do a new install of SM v.2.30 on the Win 7 machine, it
seems logical I could then copy the existing v.2.30 files on my XP machine and
paste them over the newly-installed v.2.30 files on the Win7 machine.

Is this approach likely to work?  Is there some better (and hopefully easier) to
accomplish such a move?  I don't want to change anything about how my SM v.2.30
is working, just move it.

Thanks, in advance, for any and all advice, guidance, and/or suggestions.

First, make a clean install of SeaMonkey on the new PC.

It is most simple if your profile resides at the equivalent place on
your new PC that they were on the old PC.  For example, I have a profile
named David (my name) at <D:\Mozilla profiles\SeaMonkey\David>.  (Note
that I eliminated the random part of the folder name at the end of the
path.)  On a new PC -- same or different version of Windows -- I would
move this to the same path.

Finally, I would locate the file profiles.ini for SeaMonkey on the new
PC.  In Windows 7, this is something like
<C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey>, where "xxxx" for me
is David.  Edit that file to point to your new profile.  For me, the
file profiles.ini begins:


        Path=D:\Mozilla profiles\SeaMonkey\David

I don't recall mozilla ever using Windows backslash, always forward so I think that should be:

D:/Mozilla profiles/SeaMonkey/David

and you might have to quote if there is a space in the path:

"D:/Mozilla profiles/SeaMonkey/David"

I would advise NOT using spaces in you path:


The IsRelative=0 indicates that the Path term is a complete path and not
a path relative to where the file profiles.ini resides.  I have three
other profiles, each for a special purpose.  For those extra profiles,
there is [Profile1], [Profile2], and [Profile3]; they have Default=0.

I am very glad I did my profiles this way.  When I had to reinstall
Windows 7 because malware blocked me from even booting, my profiles were
not touched.  I did not lose any bookmarks, history, or (for
Thunderbird) E-mails.  Also, my C-disc is not very large.  My scheme
moves the profiles to a separate hard drive that is much larger.

You do not backup? You could not access the drive with another system?

Unfortunately stupid drive letters have unnecessarily complicated Windows. Much prefer Linux filesystem where data can be moved another partition, another drive, another system, or even span all of the above without impacting your installation at all.

Take care,

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